Sunday, 22 November 2015

The Mask Of Depression


Having depression does not always mean that individual is going to show it in their everyday life. Francis is doing exactly that. Not showing his depression. In chapter seven he begins to go to school. Throughout the day certain things triggered certain memories and his best friend Houston wasn’t helping by talking about his father and what they did over the weekend. I choose this picture because I feel it describes how Francis feels at home verses school. At home Francis is more open about his sadness towards his father’s suicide and is able to express his emotions to his family. But at school Francis is not willing to express his emotions because he fears he will be labeled. For example on page sixty-eight he says he does not want to be some sort of “grief freak”. He also goes on to explain how he feels about people in his school. ”At our school people sniff out differences like killer sharks going for blood. You’re supposed to be free to express yourself, but you’d better be the same as everybody-or else.”(Chalifour, 2005, pg.30) This explains to us why Francis does not want people in school to know about his depression. It's probably because he believes everyone at school will treat him as an outcast. The mask in this picture for me represented his way of hiding from the outside world and not letting them know how he feels. It’s essentially his way of isolating himself. When an individual is battling with depression they use the method of pretending to be happy as a way to make themselves believe they are alright. 

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